#MadeWithMagenta from the community
Community contributions were all created without the involvment of Google, using Magenta models and libraries. If you have a demo that you think belongs here, check out the community page on ways you can tell us about it!
RUNN = 🏃Run + 🤖RNN. A side-scrolling game where the player has to finish the level to listen to the full song. Each level is generated realtime with a MusicRNN model.
GANHarp is an experimental musical instrument based on AI-generated sounds. It uses Magenta.js and the GANSynth model to generate continuously morphing waveform interpolations, and lets you play them with your computer or MIDI keyboard.
A web-based intelligent music application built on MelodyRNN and DrumsRNN, powered by Magenta.js.
A web-based game based on interpolations of melodies with MusicVAE. Listen to the music to find out the right order, or “sort” the song.
An “AI-powered interactive music experience” that presents a playable 7x7 grid of musical measures. Powered by the chord-conditioned Multitrack MusicVAE and Magenta.js.

A creative take on a rare electronic sequencer. Uses the Magenta.js to generate drum patterns when you hit the “Improvise” button.

A living, abstract piece of music generated by ML and you!
Click the canvas to create bubbles which generate melodic loops from the latent space of MusicVAE using Magenta.js and hear them slowly interpolate over time.

Creates a hypnotic soundscape of melodic loops using Magenta.js that you can play against each other to explore the latent harmonic possibilities.
Each of the four corners in this space is a little melodic pattern generated using ImprovRNN. The space is then filled in with a 2-dimensional interpolation between those four corner patterns using MusicVAE. You can listen to the patterns of your choosing by activating and deactivating different ones, experiencing the gradual morphing of patterns over the two-dimensional space.

An experimental drum machine powered by Magenta.js using the DrumsRNN and MusicVAE models.

Hold a note or chord and let a deep neural network play an arpeggiated pattern around it.
Powered by TensorFlow.js and Magenta’s ImprovRNN.

Play and hold a melody or a chord and let a deep neural network complete it for you.
Powered by TensorFlow.js and Magenta’s ImprovRNN.

A deep neural network dreaming up melodies in your browser. Powered by TensorFlow.js and Magenta’s ImprovRNN.
The melodies are generated by ImprovRNN conditioned on chord progressions, which themselves are generated using a Markov Chain.

mSynth is an application that won first place in the Outside Hacks 2017 - the official 24-hour music hackathon to the Outside Lands Music Festival in San Francisco. The team developed an artist-audience interactive experience where festival goers can collectively control Magenta’s NSynth in real-time by tilting their phones.